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MCLA Board of Directors Annual Summer Meeting Recap

MCLA Board of Directors Annual Summer Meeting Recap

Atlanta, GA (August 13, 2024) – The Board of Directors of the Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse Association (MCLA) held their annual summer planning meeting August 9 - 10, 2024 in Las Vegas, NV to align and take action on any pressing topics needing to be implemented in the upcoming year.

All regions of the MCLA were represented at the board meeting and new Executive Committee Members were selected.

“This year’s meeting went very smoothly and was an incredibly productive couple of days together ironing out what we all need this year to be successful,” said MCLA President Ken Lovic. “One of the key discussions centered around securing the 2025 National Championship location and we’re excited to announce that we will return to Round Rock Multipurpose Complex for a final year.”

The 2025 National Championships Presented by New Balance Lacrosse will be back in Round Rock, TX after the Board voted to exercise their final option year at the facility. The dates of the event are May 5 - 10.

Additional information coming out of the Las Vegas meeting includes:

New Executive Committee Members
Zach Bosh and Kyle McQuillan were selected. This is Zach’s second term and a first for Kyle. Bosh coaches at North Dakota State University and McQuillan at Liberty University.

Shot Clock Rule
The Board is in agreement and would like to remind teams that for the 2025 season, all shot clock resets will be 80 seconds. In 2026, the current NCAA rules of the 80/60 second shot clock will be required for all teams.

The MCLA is proud to continue its strong partnerships with New Balance Lacrosse, PEARL balls, Impact Canopy, Warrior and Lacrosse Specialties (Player of the Month award sponsorship). They also welcome a new travel provider, Travel Desk, Inc., and dedicated representative Joy Hinson

MCLA teams will receive a recap of the summer Board Meeting from Conference Directors at their upcoming Fall Meetings.

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